Working with prebuilt dashboards

System Dashboards

In this section we will look at metricbeats. The data originates from the metricbeat install on your instances. Prebuilt dashboards can be selected to display a variety of details.

Navigate to the index patterns and create a pattern for metricbeat-*

Use timestamp@ as Time Filter field name. Under advanced options – enter " metricbeat-*" as Custom Index Pattern ID. Click Create index pattern.

Go back to the visualizations and play around with the beats visualizations and dashboards. These are good examples of out of the box visualizations and dashboards that you can use.

Apache Dashboard

As you'd notice, the visualizations in the Apache Dashboard are not populated. Metricbeat Apache module uses mod_status to gather metrics.

Login to your webserver. Edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and add the below lines to enable mod_status

<Location "/server-status">
    SetHandler server-status

Restart Apache

$ sudo systemctl restart httpd.service

Now you should see Metricbeat Apache visualizations being updated in Kibana.

Explore the Visualizations and move on to next module.